Best Leading Actor Oscar Nominees 2024

American Fiction (2024.6, Engaging , Savvy )
American Fiction is about racial stereotyping cast as a delicious comedy and moving drama. It is also, I think, a story about its own creation. (4*)

Maestro (2024.2, Powerful , Solid )
Maestro is a well told story of a romance between two individuals over decades and how it developed in the shadow of fame. (4.5*)

Oppenheimer (2024.11, Astonishing , Full )
Oppenheimer is an epic film that rewards the hard work required of the viewer. A full exploration of a man, physics, politics, and movie making. (5*)

Rustin (2024.25, Ordinary , Pale )
Bayard Rustin almost single-handedly organized the 1963 March on Washington is, however, a very ordinary biopic. Watch it for Domingo’s performance, or don’t watch it at all (3*)

The Holdovers (2024.8, Fine , Funny)
In The Holdovers, three people, rife with their own problems, spend Christmas break, 1970, with each other. It is funny and emotional. And it’s a Christmas Movie. (3.5*)