Biography Movies of 2024
Golda (2024.35, Cheap , Uninspiring)
Golda is a movie with some strong points, but struggles to find a real story to tell. (2*)
Maestro (2024.2, Powerful , Solid )
Maestro is a well told story of a romance between two individuals over decades and how it developed in the shadow of fame. (4.5*)
Napoleon (2024.32, Stunning , But Bad)
Napoleon is visually stunning but fails to tell an emotionally engaging and understandable story. (1.5*)
Nyad (2024.3, Disappointing , Tank )
Despite great acting by Bening and Foster, Nyad fails to develop sympathetic characters and an interesting story. (3*)
Oppenheimer (2024.11, Astonishing , Full )
Oppenheimer is an epic film that rewards the hard work required of the viewer. A full exploration of a man, physics, politics, and movie making. (5*)
Rustin (2024.25, Ordinary , Pale )
Bayard Rustin almost single-handedly organized the 1963 March on Washington is, however, a very ordinary biopic. Watch it for Domingo’s performance, or don’t watch it at all (3*)
Society of the Snow (2024.15, Uncomfortable , Value )
Society of the Snow is a very difficult film to watch, but it is probably an essential one. It effectively makes you ask what you would do when faced with these choices. (4.5*)