Fantasy Movies of 2023

2023 Oscar Fantasy Films
An overview of the 2023 Oscar Fantasy Films with recommendations and a few extra from last year.

Avatar: The Way of Water – (Superb Spirit & Beauty) (4*)
Avatar: The Way of Water is a visual spectacle, a story setting up the next three sequels, and, yes, long.

Everything Everywhere All at Once – Deep and Insane Look at the Multiverse (4.5*)
Everything Everywhere All at Once is an insane look at one woman’s romp through the multiverse as she learns what is really important about life. (4.5*)

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio – Master Animation, Odd Story (2.5*)
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio is a superb example of stop-motion animation, but it falls short as a musical and doesn’t tell a story most audiences will enjoy. (2.5*)

Marcel the Shell with Shoes On – Extra Bold and Odd (4*)
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On Will hold your interest with an unusual combination of live-action and stop-motion animation, an intriguing main character, and unique perspectives on life, nature, and relationships. (4*)

The Sea Beast – An Epic Moby Dick and Master Political Metaphor (3.5*)
The Sea Beast has terrific computer animation, a Moby Dick story, a young girl as the leading character, and multiple political and social threads for adults. (3.5*)

Turning Red – Spunky but Lost (2.0*)
Turning Red is about a 13-year old’s experience with adolescence and her family’s reaction. Though with spectacular animation and colors, who is this story really for? (2.5*)