2024 Oscar Minor Genre Films
An overview of the Oscar minor genre movies nominated for Oscars in 2024. Includes Crime, Horror, Musical, Mystery, Sports, and Western movies
An overview of the Oscar minor genre movies nominated for Oscars in 2024. Includes Crime, Horror, Musical, Mystery, Sports, and Western movies
Killers of the Flower Moon is an exceptional and powerful movie about the Osage Native American murders of the 1920s, but it’s just too long! (4*)
An overview of the 2023 Oscar Minor Genre Films. The minor (2 or fewer films) genres are, mystery, romance, music, musical, sports, westerns, war, and horror.
An overview of the seven minor genres including history, music, westerns, horror, sports, war, and mystery
(4.5 Stars) Quite likely the Best Picture of the Year. Let me explain why.
(3.5 Stars) Many good things here, but, in the end, not real memorable.
A Summary of this year’s movie reviews in the minor genres. And comparisons to last year’s entries.
(4.5 Stars) A Coen Brothers film and a collection of six stories, each of which will puzzle and amuse.
Questa del Rio News: Questa, New Mexico.
Gringo Gazette: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
Sierra County Sun: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.