Best Visual Effects Oscar Nominees 2019

Avengers: Infinity War
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(3.5 Stars) Amazing Visual Effects, but the story, with 72 characters, is too big to wrap your mind around, unless you already know the comic book world well.

Christopher Robin
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(2.5 Stars) I’ve loved Eeyore all my life, but this movie doesn’t move me in any particular way. Might be appropriate for families with small children.

First Man
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(3 Stars) Another tale of Neil Armstrong’s life and walk on the moon. Won the Visual Effects Oscar.

Ready Player One
(4.5 Stars) My favorite action / adventure movie of the year with an intriguing story that bounces between a real dystopian future and an elaborate role-playing VR game.

Solo: A Star Wars Story
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(3.5 Stars) Star Wars fans will enjoy this origin story of Han Solo, with excellent visual effects. If you’re not into Star Wars, though, well it may not appeal.