Best Picture Oscar Nominees 2020
Ford v Ferrari
(4 Stars) Rousing entertainment placing the viewer right behind the wheel at 200 mph.
(4.5 Stars) In addition to what you expect, it shows that old folks still have huge creative talent. Still one of the best pictures of 2019.
Jojo Rabbit
(3 Stars) Some good moments. But the movie doesn’t quite come together.
(4.5 Stars) Difficult to watch, especially right now. But perhaps necessary.
Little Women
(5 Stars) A wonderful feminist approach that is perfect holiday entertainment. A well crafted movie.
Marriage Story
(4.5 Stars) A sometimes difficult movie to watch, but with powerful moments. The boundaries between love and hate are thin.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
(3.5 Stars) A movie Of Hollywood, By Hollywood, and, most importantly, FOR Hollywood!
(5 Stars) An exceptionally well crafted movie that moves you through multiple emotions all while exploring the complexities of social class.