SciFi Movies of 2019

A Quiet Place
(4 Stars) A fascinating horror/sci-fi flick where sound is the major ingredient.

Avengers: Infinity War
(3.5 Stars) Amazing Visual Effects, but the story, with 72 characters, is too big to wrap your mind around, unless you already know the comic book world well.

Black Panther
(4 Stars) A visually and aurally stunning action movie with a tightly constructed plot line that you can actually follow.

Incredibles 2
(2 Stars) An outdated sequel that tries too hard to be relevant. Might be good for families with young children.

Isle of Dogs
(3.5 Stars) With all the trademarks of Wes Anderson, this movie is fun to watch while it puzzles the mind.

Ready Player One
(4.5 Stars) My favorite action / adventure movie of the year with an intriguing story that bounces between a real dystopian future and an elaborate role-playing VR game.

Solo: A Star Wars Story
(3.5 Stars) Star Wars fans will enjoy this origin story of Han Solo, with excellent visual effects. If you’re not into Star Wars, though, well it may not appeal.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
(3 Stars) A bit deep for those on the edge of the comic book world, but the different animation styles, all in one movie, are fascinating.