
Flamin Hot (2024.38, Steal , No Good)
Flamin Hot is tear-jerking, feel good movie that loses its luster when you learn it contains a lot of falsehoods.

Golda (2024.35, Cheap , Uninspiring)
Golda is a movie with some strong points, but struggles to find a real story to tell. (2*)

El Conde (2024.34, Guts , Bloody Bad)
El Conde is for people who savor the idea of drinking a smoothie made from a still beating human heart…(1.5*)

Napoleon (2024.32, Stunning , But Bad)
Napoleon is visually stunning but fails to tell an emotionally engaging and understandable story. (1.5*)

Rustin (2024.25, Ordinary , Pale )
Bayard Rustin almost single-handedly organized the 1963 March on Washington is, however, a very ordinary biopic. Watch it for Domingo’s performance, or don’t watch it at all (3*)

Society of the Snow (2024.15, Uncomfortable , Value )
Society of the Snow is a very difficult film to watch, but it is probably an essential one. It effectively makes you ask what you would do when faced with these choices. (4.5*)

Oppenheimer (2024.11, Astonishing , Full )
Oppenheimer is an epic film that rewards the hard work required of the viewer. A full exploration of a man, physics, politics, and movie making. (5*)

The Zone of Interest (2024.9, Disturbing , Truth )
The Zone of Interest is more than just a story of evil. But the film’s best characteristics are damaged by extraneous scenes. (3.5*)

Maestro (2024.2, Powerful , Solid )
Maestro is a well told story of a romance between two individuals over decades and how it developed in the shadow of fame. (4.5*)

Killers of the Flower Moon (2024.1, Exceptional, Murder )
Killers of the Flower Moon is an exceptional and powerful movie about the Osage Native American murders of the 1920s, but it’s just too long! (4*)

2023 Oscar Minor Genre Films
An overview of the 2023 Oscar Minor Genre Films. The minor (2 or fewer films) genres are, mystery, romance, music, musical, sports, westerns, war, and horror.

Blonde – Long Sexy with Hidden Truths (3.5*)
Blonde is not a biography of Marilyn Monroe, although she is the central character. This is, instead, an unusually forceful exploration of how difficult it is for women to fuse their public and private personas. It is also an indictment of Hollywood, and of men generally. (3.5*)

Argentina 1985 – Truth, Humor, and the Wicked (3.5*)
Argentina 1985 is a docudrama telling the story of the world’s first civilian trial of a military dictatorship. It is a courtroom drama lightened with humor and stories of families. A good film, but maybe a bit difficult to absorb. (3.5*)

Babylon – A Rare Failure from a Fine Filmmaker (2*)
Babylon has some great moments, but is ultimately an overstuffed mess.

2022 Minor Genre Movies
An overview of the seven minor genres including history, music, westerns, horror, sports, war, and mystery

(3.5 *) Another good take on family. Terrific setup in the first 10 minutes.

2021 History Genre
A comparison of this year’s four movies in the History genre, and some suggestions from last year.

Quo Vadis, Aida?
(4.5 Stars). This is not a feel good movie, but one that people should see. It paints an ugly side of humanity.

(4 Stars) For those of us who like our heroes simple, with tense, sustained, action.

Judas and the Black Messiah
A powerful drama with terrific acting from Kaluuya, but needs some work on the story. (4 Stars)

Trial of the Chicago 7
(4 Stars) A good telling of an important moment in history that is relevant today.

Edge of Democracy
(4.5 Stars) A personal and insightful look into the fragile democracy of Brazil with lessons for the US.

History/Horror/Music/Sports/ War/Westerns: The 2020 Minor Genres
A Summary of this year’s movie reviews in the minor genres. And comparisons to last year’s entries.

(3 Stars) Good music, camera work, and Erivo’s performance. But stumbles on story-telling.

Cold War
2/5 Oscar Nominations: Foreign Language Film (Poland)Director (Pawel Pawlikowski)Cinematography (Lukas Zal) Maybe one shouldn’t screen this movie after watching the German film “Never Look

Never Look Away
(4.5 Stars) A German drama tracing the life of an East-German artist who struggles to find his true art form, and the meaning of his life. Professional critics didn’t like this as well.

Mary Queen of Scots
(2.5 Stars) A visually beautiful period piece, but perhaps a bit more story than the director and writer could handle.

The Favourite
(3 Stars) Although laced with fun and titillating moments throughout, the movie doesn’t deliver a totally coherent message.

First Man
(3 Stars) Another tale of Neil Armstrong’s life and walk on the moon. Won the Visual Effects Oscar.